My Sect
Just Muslim
Not religious
My Profession
Marital Status
Arizona, Flagstaff
United States
Registration Reason
I'm registering to find myself a partner
A Little Bit About Me
"WITHOUT TRUTH THERE IS NO LOVE !"PLEASE READ THIS PROFILE CAREFULLY (truth is a bitter thing to swallow and no one is perfect in this world. It is better to tell the truth in the beginning than surprises are found later!): Now a days many people exaggerate, and make lies to use others for their ulterior motives especially when such people put out matrimonial ads on the internet. I am neither a playboy, nor make any phony exucse. Like many decent and God fearing people I have three children (2 boys and 1 girl ages 25, 23, 18) from my "previous" marriages from two American women. I love my children very much as well as other people's children in the world. My two sons (25 and 23 years old) have mild learning disabilities and they both live with their own mother live in another city. My one 18 years old healthy and intelligent daughter has started university in other city whom I raised by myself since she was five months old baby (she will start university out of state after one year). My two sons visit me every three months, Generally, In Asian/Middle Eastern culture one's multiple times marriages and divorces are seen as a negative factor and become stigma for both women as well as for men, however, in the Western culture it is a normal practice and kindly accepted. And evidently I had tragical reasons to marry and divorce multiple times! * Since I always have been a monogomous(faithful one woman man) I had only one wife in one duration of marriage. Even though Islam allows poligamy and our women accept this fact and live with it. My Last wife was an Iranian whom I was married for ten years. However, one should not point finger/look down on others who have been married and divorced multiple times. Some People have many legitimate reasons to do such things. one should not rush to judge others before knowing the actual facts with complete understanding. . I believe former wives and husbands should be nice and civilized to each other for the sake of their common children. Because they have to deal with each other regarding their common children's matters for the rest of their lives. No decent and responsible man and woman should turn their back away from their flesh and blood. Man/Woman should truly accept and care for the children IF either one or both have any children from their previous marriage(s). Children are part of a package that come in the marriage with a new spouse (previously mother/father). Most Foreigners come to the Western world with high expectations and vast majority of Asians particularly our fellow muslims do not understand this concept very well. A man/woman should not enter into marriage if he/she is jealous from each other's former spouse or hesitant to accept other's children if one has from his/her previous marriage. I am a very moderate-humanist person and socialize with people from all faiths/religions and sects even though my parents/family members and most relatives are Sufi/Sunni-Muslims and few are Shia Muslims too. I am orignally old Parthian/Ashkananian/Persian and our people moved from Iran through present Afghanistan to North Punjab (today's Pakistan) long long time ago I am a world travelled person, like to read, write, and take very much interest in world politics. I like international music, movies, cousine, going out with the family to eat average three-four times a month, out of town/state travel, hiking, swimming, participation in children's school functions/activities. I usually stay away from many of those arrogant and artificial foreigners who come to the Western world for better life, yet forget their root, (who they really were and where they came from for what reason) yet brag and compete over material things they possess in order to impress their friends, relatives, and country fellows. And those highly educated arrogant ignorents who think they are better than other fellow human-beings. As a highly educated person myself I believe all human beings are equal except on the basis of their character and humanistic qualities. Every person and every profession/trade is important including a simple ordinary labor. Village and city people are all important. Doctors, engineers, psychologists, business executives, government Administrators, and wealthy/rich are not any better than other human beings. Just having American/European/Canadian passport/green card does not alone make any one better than the other and is not a qualification. Being citizens of the Western world do not make them any way superior than those who live outside the Western world. Most of such arrogant people lie and claim that they originated/belong from wealthy and infuluential/elite/noble families (even though they belong to a middle class). Why make lies? If this was true then why such people are living life based on hypocrisy and double standard while staying in the Western world and receiving social welfare/fringe benefits too. The native Western people (white european, americans, canadians, and australians are good humanistic people, but they do not care much about such shallow and hypocrite foreigners regardless of their financial, and educational status). So such Highly educated ones need to set a good example and stop being arrogant and rude with simple and less educated people. Asian/Middle Eastern living in the Western world need to learn lesson from the most good western people who do not look down others just because of their lower middle class financial, educational or social status. So be it real and wise. No one should call others low class people. Classes are made up on the basis of financial status which is totally artificial. I do not believe in Caste system (which is a Hindu ideology) and I treat all human beings equal. No one race or tribe is better than the other. Good human qualities and character is more important than educational and financial status. Unfortunately I had to divorce my last (third) Iranian wife after ten years of marriage (we had no children), and I am free and clear now. I am setteled down/laid-back family type man and want to enjoy my rest life with family oreinted, "traditional", committed/faithful and loyal woman. I am neither poor, nor rich. However, I am comfortable with my permanent study income and life time family medical and other benefits. I do not necessarily need to work becuase I can live any where in the world with my monthly income. I pay all my bills promptly and don't like to be in debts. I never want to be financially broken in the Western world. I buy what I need and can afford, and not worry what I want. I am not worry to impress my visitors with material things. Just be yourself! Some people on Matrimonial sites carry away about their external look, and become very picky and choosy and have certain conditions about others. They must first truly evaluate about themselves by looking in the mirror, look into thier own conscious, and stop being hypocrite. Because of such people's unrealistic and arrogant attitude they have been divorced/widow and sitting home for long time and hoping for "Mr.Right/Miss Right to knock the door! People who run after Mirage in the desert, they never reach the water! Good personality and character are more important than just external look. No one is perfect in this world, and every one made mistakes in his/her life. The best thing is to learn from his/her mistakes and not repeat them again. Marriage is not a bed of roses and it is a great responisbility, requires strong committment, dedication and sacrifices. Divorce is a very bad thing and should only be given/obtained after all reconciliation efforts are exhausted. NOTE: I do not want any one who has extreme religious views, non-tolerant of other religions, or religious zealous. I believe in co-existence, and strongly condemn terrorism around the world.

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What I Am Looking For
Kind, compassionate, selfless, real, humble, dedicated, committed, faithful, "traditional", family oriented (who still believe in her Asian/Middle Eastern family value, tolerant of other faith/religions/open-minded, non-materialistic, non-jealous woman who truly like all children (her and others), and open minded, culturally diversed, intelligent, educated (able to read and write), and flexible to adapt new situations , respects and unconditionally loves her entire family (biological and steps' ) from the bottom of her heart. I do not want too fancy/too formal/too immitating of the west superficial woman. Internal beauty is more important to me than external overly done make-up and artificial attractiveness, and I would prefer my wife to keep long hair in the future. (woman looks more beautiful in her natural long hair). An easy going woman who can be friend and wife at the same time. A Natural woman who believes in real life and not in artificial hollywood's/Bollywood's/Lollywood's artificial glamorous life style. A woman who really believes that wordly things do not make people happy. A woman who belive that family, good friends, neighbors, and caring close relatives are important in life. A Non-smoking, socialable, friendly woman. A mature woman who truly understand the meaning of life and know where the real happiness is. * If your only purpose of marriage is just to come in to America for Immigration benefits (and don't want to be life time true wife) then pleasse do not bother to contact me. I have been already used once by one wife for immigration benefits. And Women who talk too much about God, Deen, and Prayers in their profile they also need to set good example. "Actions speak louders than the words of mouth." I am not desperate and do not need a woman who only want to marry to get Green Card/Citizenship. I would help woman to do few chores in the home IF she is sick, pregnant, or have guests in the home. Otherwise I don't do woman's chores in the home. Also I don't want full time working/career woman outside the home, or going all the time to college. However, Part-time work, and taking one class weekly will be OK with me if my wife wish to do so. But definitely I don't want Career woman (I need a wife and not a husband). I need a wife who would spend more quality time with me. I am not a desperate person, don't run after women, and I can live without them too. There are many kind of fishes under the ocean for every one. One should not thing that she is the only woman on this planet. I DO NOT PLAY GAMES WITH PEOPLE AND WOULD NOT SEND REPEATIVE MESSAGES/EMAILS TO SAME LADY TO GET HER ATTENTION. IF YOU CAN NOT HANDLE THE TRUTH, and DON't LIKE MY PROFILE THEN JUST DON't WRITE ME. IF YOU WRITE ME I WILL REPLY YOU. PLEASE BE POLITE AND TAKE INITIATE AND DON't be shy to contact me. I am a paid member.
NOTE: When I find a good wife and she would like to have a child from her new husband, I am willing to honor her wish. I am flexible to talk about this issue and would cooperate with her. ** ALSO I will accept the children of my future wife if she has from her previous marriage. PLEASE DO NOT MARRY ANY MAN JUST FOR THE SAKE OF OBTAINING FOREIGN IMMIGRATION/PASSPORT. WOMEN/AND THEIR FAMILIES SHOULD BE VERY CAREFUL FROM DISHONEST MEN. Thanks for reading this long profile. Good luck with your search and God bless you.

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Personal Information
My Citizenship
Country of Origin
Willing to Relocate?
I am Looking to Marry
My Income
Prefer not to say
Marital Status
Would I like to have Children?
Do I have children?
My Living Arrangements?
I Live With Family
United States
Arizona, Flagstaff
My Height
1.68m (5' 6")
My Build
My Hair Colour
Colour of My Eyes
Do I Smoke?
Do I Have Any Disabilities?
My Education Level
Subject I Studied
psychology/reproductive health, naturopathy
My First Language
My Second Language
My Profession
My Job Title
Retired from Military & work part-time from home.
Not religious
My Sect
Just Muslim
Are You a Revert?
Do You Keep Halal?
I Do Not Keep halal
Do You Perform Salaah?